Category: Projects

  • Report from the CRC Open House

    The first open house leading up to the DEIS (Draft Environment Impact Statement) options choice was held Saturday in Vancouver (an earlier event was canceled due to weather and will be rescheduled). There are two other open houses currently scheduled. Turnout seemed reasonably strong and as in other rounds, there was story-telling and activities for…

  • Burnside/Couch Couplet Moves to Deliberation

    Update: Randy Gragg has an article with the background and issues around this project in today’s O. Commissioner Adams will present the couplet plan to the Planning Commission Tuesday evening (January 23rd, 7pm, 1900 SW 4th Ave, 2nd floor, Room 2500A). Then City Council will consider funding for the first phase of engineering on February…

  • Tram Vehicles: Jean and Walt

    From PDOT: Two months ago Commissioner Adams established a tram naming committee with an intention of personalizing Portland’s new skyline icon with names. The committee has completed its work and has decided to name the tram cars “Jean” and “Walt” respectively. Tram car “Jean” honors Jean Richardson, Oregon’s first female engineering graduate, from Oregon State…

  • Another Tram Ride Perspective

    Libby Tucker of the Daily Journal of Commerce was on the same preview ride with the Streetcar CAC on Tuesday. Her (positive) report appeared in the paper (and online) today. Bob will be frustrated with the same ambiguity about who’s allowed to ride this week :-)

  • Update on Columbia Crossing Open Houses

    Last night’s open house in Battle Ground was cancelled due to weather. Staff is promising to try to get another event scheduled in Clark County. Meanwhile, since my initial post, another event got added to the schedule: Tuesday, January 30th, 2007 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. 12050 N. Jantzen Dr. (across from Safeway, next to…