Updated bus relocation plan unveiled
TriMet today unveiled an updated plan to relocate buses off the Portland Mall during construction of the Portland Mall Light Rail project. The project is part of the 8.3-mile I-205/Portland Mall Light Rail extension set to begin construction in mid-January 2007. After receiving hundreds of public comments and completing additional traffic analysis, TriMet updated its…
AORTA Continues to Engage FTA
AORTA isn’t standing down in its critique of the Transit Mall design. Here are their rebuttal to TriMet’s points (PDF, 48K) and a follow-up letter to the FTA (PDF, 52K).
FTA not Sympathetic to AORTA Request
A week or so ago, there was a small blurb in the Tribune that the Federal Transit Administration had rejected AORTA’s call for an independent review of the Transit Mall LRT project. Portland Transport requested a copy of the FTA response from TriMet. Here’s a scan of the letter (PDF 1.1M). Cutting to the bottom…
Speaking of the Mall
TriMet e-mailed their list yesterday with a message about a new visualization of the combined bus/LRT operation on the Transit Mall. Check it our here.
A Better Alternative to Light Rail on the Mall
The primary arguments for putting light rail on the mall are that it is has been planned for a long time, is needed to increase capacity, provides access to Portland State and enables a connection to a future light rail corridor to Milwaukie. All of these arguments are flawed. Unlike the OHSU Tram project, there…