Category: Pedestrians

  • Street by Street, Out of the Mud

    Wearing my Planning and Sustainability Commission hat, I’ve been following for some time an effort by the Portland Bureau of Transportation know as Street-by-street. The intent is to address the many unimproved streets in the City (many in East Portland, and a few areas in NE and SE Portland). The source of the problem is…

  • Are You Walking to Work Tomorrow?

    It’s National Walk to Work Day, part of Oregon Health Week. Details from the Willamette Pedestrian Coalition: Portland Celebrates a Healthy Economy with Walk to Work Day Portland, Ore. – As part of Oregon Public Health Week, the Willamette Pedestrian Coalition and partners invite the walkers and workers of Portland to meet at one of…

  • KBOO Bike Show Special: Active Transportation Mayoral Debate

    We are privileged to have the opportunity to host an audio recording (MP3, 36.6MB) of Monday’s debate. Enjoy!

  • Metro Survey on Active Transportation

    Earlier this year Metro launched an interesting approach to public input in the form of their “Opt In Panel” program, an opportunity to voluntarily register to take surveys on topics of interest/action by the Metro Council. The current survey is on Active Transportation. If you haven’t already joined the program, this might be your moment.

  • Safety First!

    Transportation for America has released a new report “Dangerous by Design” (PDF, 1.6M) scoring safety for people walking and riding bicycles state by state and metro area by metro area. Oregon’s rankings are here. Portland ranked as the 7th least dangerious metro, but there are still far too many injuries and deaths and we have…