A Walktober Tour of Portland’s Crosswalks
I’m joined in assembling this post by Kirk Paulsen, who took the photos within and contributed many great ideas. It’s October, or as your local walking advocacy group Oregon Walks has branded it for the last two years, “Walktober.” I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment—there really isn’t a better time to go for a stroll than…
Eleven Reasons Portland Transport readers should come to the 2013 Weston Awards.
Hey, folks! My name is Aaron Brown, and I’m currently serving as Board President of Oregon Walks, the state’s pedestrian advocacy organization that’s been busy working to make streets safer for walking in the state since 1991. I’ll ask you to please excuse my remarkably obnoxious, buzzfeedesque title and format of this article, but I really wanted to…
A Good Day for Active Transportation at the Legislature
On the final day of its 2013 session, the Oregon Legislature made bike and pedestrian projects eligible for Connect Oregon funding (capital funds fueled by the lottery). They also provided $3.6M for a sidewalk project in East Portland where a young child was killed earlier this year. All in all, a good day!
Are Biking and Walking “Cool”?
Portland State University Spring 2013 Friday Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: Tara Goddard, PhD Student in Urban Studies, PSU Topic: Are Bicycling and Walking “Cool?”: Adolescent Attitudes about Active Travel The declining rates of physical activity among children, particularly adolescent girls, are well-documented, yet there has been insufficient research into the attitudes about health behaviors, particularly…
Predicting Pedestrians
Speaker: Patrick Singleton (CEE MS Student) Topic: Pedestrians in Regional Travel Demand Forecasting Models: State-of-the-Practice When: Friday, February 1 2013, 12-1 p.m. Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204 _____________________________________________________________ Portland State University Winter 2013 Friday Transportation Seminar Series