Category: Modes

  • KBOO Bike Show: Professional Drivers

    Listen to the show (mp3, 26.7MB) Interviewing professional drivers, including Ralph Kerbs from TriMet; Jackson Cafazzo who drives a taxi for Radio Cab; and Zach Wiley who drives a truck for the US Postal Service.

  • Generating Some MAX Savings

    During our discussion with TriMet GM Neil McFarlane, posted last week, one of the ideas discussed was whether operational savings could be generated by closing some MAX stops. We were challenged to generate some ideas here. So here it goes. What MAX stops would you close in the interests of improving travel time and reducing…

  • Where the Cars Are

    car2go launched in Portland officially this past weekend. I had the chance to go for a test drive this week with CEO Nicholas Cole. I won’t go into the system details, because Jonathan Maus and Dave Brook have both done excellent write-ups already. The signal feature of the system is one-way, reservationless trips. As I…

  • The 15 finally returns to the Morrison Bridge! Great news, but more needs to be done.

    For nearly a year, the Morrison Bridge has been closed to westbound traffic so contractors could replace its hazardous steel-grate surface. The project, which was meant to end last November but was plagued by delays, not only disrupted life for auto commuters but also forced the westbound 15 bus to detour south to the Hawthorne…

  • Anti-LRT petitions being circulated in SW Corridor cities

    The Portland Tribune is reporting that groups in four cities which may be affected by the Southwest Corridor project–Tigard, King City, Tualatin, and Sherwood, have filed initiative petitions with respective city governments. (This was previously mentioned in the open thread; now petitions have been filed). The petitions, if able to collect sufficient numbers of signatures…