Category: Modes

  • The Dark Side of Autonomous Vehicles?

    Readers of this blog will know that I have a generally optimistic view of driverless cars, believing that a computer is likely to avoid many human frailties and generally reduce the number of crashes. My viewpoint got a jolt this week. The technologist half of my brain has been enjoying the New Relic Future Talk…

  • KBOO Bike Show: PBOT Leadership

     Listen to the show (mp3, 26.4MB) Christopher and Jocelyn talk with Portland Bureau of Transportation Director Leah Treat, and newly hired Active Transportation Division Manager Margi Bradwell, about PBOT funding, budgets, workplans and transformation to get to Vision Zero.

  • Policymaker’s Ride Recap

    Last Friday, Chris Smith and myself joined approximately 150 fellow riders on Cycle Oregon’s 10th annual Policymaker’s Ride. Other participants of the ride ran the entire spectrum of invested parties from the Mayor & his wife to city council members to health professionals and more. Indianapolis’ mayor Greg Ballard participated at the invitation from Portland…

  • What the Streetcar Haters Skeptics are Missing

    There have been several critiques recently, dismissing streetcars as slow transit. I think that misses the point of streetcar, at least as we have deployed it here in Portland. Streetcar is transit that emphasizes short trips. That’s very much in line with the ‘Healthy Connected City’ plank of the Portland Plan, which envisions Portland as…

  • Vaporettos for Portland?

    One of my fondest memories of childhood was a much-planned, much-saved-for family vacation to Europe in my early teen years. One of the seven-countries-in-21-days destinations was Venice and I can’t forget the Vaporettos (water taxi/buses) that plied the canal system. Correspondent Bill Badrick fills us in on a vision for Vaporettos in Portland. – Chris…