KBOO Bike Show: Activism and Awareness
Listen to the show (mp3, 20.1MB) Alon and Tori talk with Shannon Galpin, humanitarian and woman’s rights activist to talk about her new memoir, Mountain to Mountain: A Journey of Adventure and Activism for the Women of Afghanistan, that tells the story of fighting for the lives of women in Afghanistan, one pedal stroke at a…
Jasmine Block Update
Work continues on the Jasmine Block double track work. This week, crews have completed the saw cut in 4th Avenue and yesterday, track was being positioned for tie down. Streetcar service continues uninterrupted at this point however, there will be a shut down coming next week while track tie in and electrical work is brought…
KBOO Bike Show: Biking Past 50
Listen to the show (mp3, 26.9MB) Alon and Christopher talk with Ann Morrow, Jerry Smith and S. Brian Willson about the joys and challenges of riding past age fifty. Ann is the president of the Portland Wheelman Touring Club and is host of the cable TV show Cycology Today (viewed on NWbicyclesafetycouncil.org.) Jerry is also an active member…
New Trimet Rail Map
I was out walking downtown this weekend when I noticed that Trimet has updated the rail system map to include the pending Orange Line route. I snapped a photo with my camera and while the news is nothing worth getting excited over, it does provide some changes to the existing map that make different regions a…
Jasmine Block Double Tracking Underway
Saw cutting and road closure is underway along SW Montgomery adjacent to the Jasmine Block in SW downtown as work has begun on the double track work associated with completing the loop. I was on my way home from grocery shopping with my family last night when I noticed the familiar orange barrels accompanied by…