Is the Yellow Line the best rapid transit connection to Vancouver?
While the CRC and its design remain a topic of hot controversy, one of the key design elements is the extension of light rail, specifically the Yellow Line, into Vancouver. Many in Portland insist on it. Many in Vancouver are just as opposed, considering light rail an expensive boondoggle. Currently, the only through services between…
How important are new riders to transit, and how hard should the region work to attract them?
A discussion of the importance of new ridership to TriMet, and how hard the region should work to woo them.
The Addressable, Queryable Bus Stop?
Sometimes as I’m browsing through the too many RSS feeds I subscribe to, I’m struck by an interesting intersection between two items from different sources. That happened this weekend when I noted this comment (from regular commenter Dave H) on the open thread: I’m not sure if anyone here is familiar with QR Codes, but…
Improving transit speed downtown
A discussion of ways to improve the speed of transit downtown–and a discussion as to whether that should be a priority.
Spread the Gospel!
I had a blast at RailVolution! here in Portland this year. Next year it moves to our nation’s capital and the call for speakers is now out: We want the people who will lead the movement — people who can best share the stories that will educate, provoke and inspire conference attendees through toolbox sessions,…