Category: Land Use Connections

  • Population Growth and Regional Traffic

    Yesterday’s Oregonian had a good front page story on traffic, capturing the essence of the issues facing this region and others: roads filling up as population and rates of car ownership increase along with the decline of major national investment in new transportation infrastructure. Whether you think these trends are “good” or “bad” the key…

  • Welcoming Visitors to Hollywood – By Any Mode

    Guest contributor Patrick Donaldson is a member of the Hollywood Boosters. As one of Portland’s oldest organized business districts the Hollywood District continues to identify new methods of attracting and keeping customers for the various goods and services available in our Northeast Portland community. During the expansion of bicycle lanes throughout the city it became…

  • Centering in on the Public Realm

    Tonight Metro held another in their series of Get Centered events, this one featuring Fred Kent from the Project for Public Spaces on the topic of public squares. Many of the models of great public squares were European of course, but Pioneer Courthouse Square compared favorably. Esther Short Park in Vancouver was also discussed in…

  • Trend is Not Destiny

    Today I attended a joint meeting of MTAC (Metro Technical Advisory Committee) and TPAC (Transportation Policy Alternatives Committee – on which I am a citizen representative). The purpose of the meeting was to review the 2030 population forecasts, which will help drive the next update the Regional Transportation Plan and the next UGB (Urban Growth…

  • TriMet’s History of the Milwaukie Wal-Mart Site

    There have been some news articles discussing the possibility of building a Wal-Mart store on the property located at 8300 SE McLoughlin Blvd. For over a decade beginning with the South/North Transit Corridor Study this site has been identified by the region as a possible MAX light rail station and park & ride for the…