Zoning and Sprawl – Cause and Effect?
Regular readers know by now that I am an aficionado of the Smart City radio program, and listen religiously to the podcast. As a sidebar, the host, Carol Coletta, will be in Portland on March 15th, as the next speaker in Metro’s regional economic development series. I haven’t seen the official notice yet, but I…
Joined at the Hip
Of course we all know that land use and transportation are two sides of the coin. But mapping the connections and figuring out how to plan based on them is never simple. A new report from the Victoria Transport Policy Institute goes a long way to help us understand the web of interplay. Land Use…
Advanced Topics in School Siting
Update: This item came back to MPAC last night, and I ultimately voted in favor of it. Interestingly, yesterday’s Oregonian featured an article on how the Beaverton School District had at least temporarily gotten around the challenge by jointly purchasing a parcel with two developers with the understanding that it would be partitioned after comprehensive…
Steve Duin Takes on the Eastbank Freeway
In today’s Oregonian, Steve Duin bemoans the apparent loss of momentum on doing anything about the Eastbank Freeway and the loss of opportunity for the community. We’re sympathetic to this issue, but what struck us is his passing reference to peak oil: “given the expiration date on our endless supply of oil”. So our question…
Another Perspective on Congestion Costs
Meeky passes on a link to another (non-Portland) perspective on congestion and the transportation-land use connection.