School Siting and Transportation
Yesterday’s Oregonian included a cover story on the pressures to find sufficiently large sites for new schools in growing districts. The story included an aerial photo of the 64-acre Tualatin High School and the presented the debate for small school sites versus the current pattern of very large sites with playing fields, parking, etc. There…
Gaia in a Knockout
Correspondent Rick Browning, recently back from Japan, is now in South Florida helping his mother recover from Hurricane Wilma. Gaia has literally as well as figuratively clouted the car! Trees smash cars! See photos.
Report on Burnside Town Hall
Commissioner Adams listens to Joe Zehnderfrom the Bureau of Planning Last night Commissioner Sam Adams hosted a town hall meeting on the Burnside Transportation and Urban Design Plan. Perhaps the first thing of note was the meeting and Sam’s style of running it. I don’t think either of the two previous Commissioners of Transportation would…
Burnside Transportation and Urban Design Plan
Over at commissionersam.com the Commish is blogging about controversy over the Burnside Couplet plan. I urge readers to attend the Town Hall mentioned to learn more about the project and put your views on record. As neighborhood transportation chair in Northwest Portland I had the opportunity to participate in two year-plus-long planning processes around the…
Centers and Corridors
Strip malls are a dying breed. That was the starting point for a discussion of corridor planning at yesterday’s Metro “Get Centered” brown-bag event. The market for retail is now reorganizing to favor interchanges and crossroads. Long corridors of strip malls are out. The prototypical example held out from our region is Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway. The…