July 2011 Open Thread
July 2011 open thread
Is the Yellow Line the best rapid transit connection to Vancouver?
While the CRC and its design remain a topic of hot controversy, one of the key design elements is the extension of light rail, specifically the Yellow Line, into Vancouver. Many in Portland insist on it. Many in Vancouver are just as opposed, considering light rail an expensive boondoggle. Currently, the only through services between…
Cascade Policy Institute ?s MAX Light Rail?
Update: The FTA has responded to Cascade’s letter, and disagrees with Cascade’s contention that the MAX Green Line is out of compliance with the Full Funding Grant Agreement. The FTA’s response is here. Quoting from the response: In recent years, TriMet, like many transit agencies across the country, has been impacted by the decline in…
The interfaces between different transit agencies
Travelling between transit agencies, especially for trips located within a metro area, can be an inconvenient experience for many reasons. Timetables may not be aligned, fare policies may be hostile (requiring additional tickets as one crosses the agency boundary), different agencies often run vastly different equipment, and interchange points are often on the periphery of…
Around the Web: Three on mobility and urbanism.
Three articles from the transit/urbanist blogosphere on a rather important topic.