BTA Advocates Bike Boulevard Project
Update 10/11/06: Over at the BTA Blog, they’re reporting that this is still up for grabs in the next round of decision making and have suggestions for the next steps for advocacy. Original Post 9/29/06: We heard from you and hundreds of other cyclists that you strongly prefer cycling on low-traffic bicycle boulevards. Here’s your…
Balancing Regional Transportation Outcomes, Priorities, and Costs
An important component of Metro’s Regional Transportation Plan update is to plan for outcomes, not just develop a project list. Metro’s Discussion Draft 2035 RTP Update Work Program states: The clear desire is to move away from a plan that is a compilation of locally desired projects with an unfunded cost, to one that focuses…
Who’d pay billions to buy 30 seconds?
Our own Scott Bricker has an opinion piece in today’s Oregonian questioning the value of the incremental investment of $6B suggested by the Cost of Congestion study.
Perspectives on the RTP Update
Last Thursday Metro held a workshop to begin scoping the process for updating the Regional Transportation Plan. A number of Portland Transport contributors participated, and you’ll be reading a number of perspectives on the update over the next few days. Last Thursday Metro convened 100 leaders and local politicians to kick off the Regional Transportation…