Author: guest

  • TriMet North Central Draft Service Plan

    Guest author Cameron Johnson is a regular Portland Transport reader. This week, in a much smaller time gap than there was between the SW and Eastside plans, TriMet released the North Central Draft Proposal for improved bus service. (North Central means all of NE above Burnside and west of the 205, North Portland, and inner…

  • More Canadian Double Talls!

    Ron Swaren is a regular reader and frequent commenter on Portland Transport Regional Edmonton, Alberta transit agency Strathcona County Transit purchased 14 double decker buses in 2013 for the Sherwood Park to downtown Edmonton route of approximately 8 miles. These are the familiar design used in other Canadian cities, the Alexander Dennis Enviro 500, with…

  • Broaden uses of Oregon Gas Taxes?

    Doug Allen retired after 35 years with TriMet Service Planning and Scheduling and belongs to AORTA. He is a long time supporter of good transit and land use planning, and lives in SE Portland. Senate Joint Resolution 16 would refer a constitutional amendment to Oregon voters in November 2016 that relaxes constraints on the use…

  • Fair Voting for Portland’s Street Fee

    Tony Jordan is a software engineer by day, but a rabble rouser all of the time. He is particularly interested in seeing Shoupian parking policies in place on Portland’s streets. Tony has a BA in Politics from UC Santa Cruz and serves on the board of the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association as well as on several…

  • Rethinking I-205 MAX service

    An occasional Portland Transport commenter and longtime reader, Nick Schillaci is a world traveler, who has been a foreigner on transit on every continent. He holds a humble BS in Planning and Public Policy from a little-known University of Oregon program, and has been a TriMet rider for decades. I greatly enjoy both Red and…