Help Shape Portland’s Transportation Future – Wonks Needed

As part of the City’s update to its Comprehensive Plan, Portland must update the Transportation System Plan (TSP) – the key policies and street classifications that will guide how we continue the evolution of our street system over the next 25 years.

The “Networks Policy Expert Group” has chewed over a lot of the policy calls for the TSP but now we need some technocrats to transform it into detailed plan form, and the City is putting together the advisory group that will guide the detailed work. If you’d like to be part of this effort, working with key City staffers, apply before November 8th, but the sooner the better!

Here are the desired qualifications:

  • Professional and/or volunteer experience that corresponds to transportation initiatives in the city of Portland or region.
  • Experience with criteria development is preferred.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with people of diverse perspectives and experience.
  • Ability to commit 4 to 6 hours every month during business hours, plus preparation for monthly meetings and attendance at community involvement events.

One response to “Help Shape Portland’s Transportation Future – Wonks Needed”

  1. Well, as long as the committee requires 4-6 hours a month DURING BUSINESS HOURS, the great majority of working people in Portland are excluded. But so many “citizen involvement” committees require that. It does make one wonder sometimes if the city actually wants citizen involvement, or at least citizen involvement of the working class.

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