Your Questions For Neil, “Round 5”, Part 3 – Service Planning
Here is Part 3 of our recent interview with TriMet’s Neil McFarlane, based on your questions. This segment is shorter than the others and deals solely with the topic of service planning, especially in suburban areas and more densely-populated areas currently lacking in comprehensive transit service. Segment Navigation: Part 1 of 4 – High-Capacity Projects…
Help Shape Portland’s Transportation Future – Wonks Needed
As part of the City’s update to its Comprehensive Plan, Portland must update the Transportation System Plan (TSP) – the key policies and street classifications that will guide how we continue the evolution of our street system over the next 25 years. The “Networks Policy Expert Group” has chewed over a lot of the policy…
Eleven Reasons Portland Transport readers should come to the 2013 Weston Awards.
Hey, folks! My name is Aaron Brown, and I’m currently serving as Board President of Oregon Walks, the state’s pedestrian advocacy organization that’s been busy working to make streets safer for walking in the state since 1991. I’ll ask you to please excuse my remarkably obnoxious, buzzfeedesque title and format of this article, but I really wanted to…
Metro seeking TPAC applicants
It’s fall, which means that Metro is seeking citizen applicants to serve on the Transportation Policy Advisory Committee. There are four openings. According to Metro: TPAC is an advisory committee that reviews regional plans and federally funded transportation projects across the three-county Portland area. It advises local and regional leaders on transportation spending priorities as…
Help Guide Metro’s Citizen Involvement Processes
Metro is taking a deep look at how they do citizen engagement (can you say ‘Opt-in’) and as part of this effort they are forming “PERC”, the Public Engagement Review Committee. If you’d like to apply to be part of this, head over here to get an application and more info. The deadline is August…