CRC Action Day at the Legislature

From the folks at


NO funding for CRC!! Oregon State Capitol Steps January 15, 2013

Economic Transportation Alliance commonly known as Third Bridge works on transportation issues in Oregon and SW Washington with a focus on the economy, safety, and the environment. Has organized a walk and talk to Oregon Legislators to let them know, that the Columbia River Crossing transportation project is a NO GO ON STATE FUNDING. We can do so much better, and we must.

Walk and Talk

Citizens will walk from office to office and let their numerous concerns about the CRC be known to the Governor and Oregon Legislators.

The Oregon Legislators need to hear personally from taxpayers Not to fund the Columbia River Crossing’s current project with state money. What is needed is a better process with none of the contractors or transportation employee involved. A Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement is common on transportation projects and must be start to thoroughly study alternatives to develop a constructable project. New circumstances or information necessitate preparation of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and the Columbia River Crossing has several of both new information, and new circumstances since 2008.

“Significant new circumstances or information relevant to environmental concerns or substantial changes in the proposed action that are relevant to environmental concerns may necessitate preparation of a supplemental EIS following either the draft or final EIS or the Record of Decision (CEQ NEPA Regulations, 40 C.F.R. § 1502.9(c)).” A CITIZEN’S GUIDE TO THE NEPA

On The Steps Of The Oregon State Capitol 900 Court St. NE, Salem, Oregon 97301.
We will be contacting individual elected official’s offices from 8 AM to 5PM sharing our concerns about the CRC. Main action will be between 10AM – 3PM (Offices close at 5PM)

Sharon Nasset
CEO Economic Transportation Alliance

Sharon Nasset 503.283.9585

3 responses to “CRC Action Day at the Legislature”

  1. It’s fun to see the troglodytes here in Clark County lined up with the environmental community in opposition to this mess of a bridge.

    Of course, the motivation over here is 100% pure damn selfishness and short-sighted craven politics. But what the heck; when the idjits are shooting themselves well north of the foot, keep giving them ammunition.

  2. By the way, in case the previous comment is unclear, I don’t support the “ThirdBridge” folks, because their solution depends on building “The Great Wall of Vancouver” (e.g. an elevated freeway from somewhere right around Clark College to the bridgehead by the train station).

    Talk about ripping the guts out of the community!

    They’re crazy.

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