CRC Focus of Legislative Hearing Monday

The House Transportation and Economic Development Committee will hold a hearing on Monday on a resolution urging Federal Funding for the Columbia River Crossing.

This is scheduled for 1pm in Hearing Room D at the Capitol in Salem. BikePortland has additional details and coverage.

This is a political lollipop. The Legislature can ask the Feds for funding without having to commit the $400M that will be Oregon’s share.

But it is an opportunity to publicly ask some of those inconvenient questions about those pesky project assumptions that keep turning out to be wrong…

One response to “CRC Focus of Legislative Hearing Monday”

  1. And for those of you that are going to be in Salem, there is the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting from 10am to 4-5pm. Here is the draft agenda:

    Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
    March 28, 2011
    Technical Leadership Center
    4040 Fairview Ind Dr.
    Salem, Oregon
    Alsea Room

    Monday, March 28th

    9:00 AMAdministrative Business
    Welcome; Call to Order & Introduction of Guests; Additional Agenda Items;

    Introductions/Public sign in (10 minutes)

    Minutes – Feb 2, 2011 – Adoption (5 minutes)

    9:30 AMRobert Pape, PE. – New State Traffic Engineer (30 minutes)

    10:00 AMNational Bike Summit, La Hood Soiree, Other info items – All (30 minutes)

    10:30 AMBreak(15 minutes)

    11:15 AMLegislative Update – AJ, Sheila, others (30 minutes)

    SB 424 Ped Crossing Claification
    SB 415 Vulnerable Road Users
    20 MPH Greenway Zones
    Citizen Citiation
    Bicycle Licensing Study
    SB 766 Limiting local
    Roundabout Ban
    SB 846
    HB 3429
    HB 2865
    HB 2602

    11:45Lunch (30 minutes) – Walk to local eatery, Dim Sum anyone?

    12:15 PMMonetary Support for Scenic Bikeways (25 minutes)

    12:35 PMBy Laws Subcommittee – AJ (20 minutes)

    12:50 PMReview of 2008 Vision Statement – All (15 minutes)

    1:15 PMGoal Setting/Vision/OTC Presentation – All (2 hours)

    3:20 PMWrap up – Non Agenda Items


    Don’t forget to go to the Active Transportation Summit the next day!

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