The holiday break has been productive, I had a chance to polish up the first pass (“beta”) of a configuration service for the Transit Appliance project.
This is a web-based GUI that lets you configure a custom display for transit arrival information. The idea is to allow this tool to configure multiple applications, and for our first release it’s handling both our own Transit Board as well as TriMet’s Transit Tracker (Transit Tracker doesn’t really need a configuation tool, but for proof-of-concept I needed a second app to show!).
You can check it out here:
If you want to use it with some hardware (like the Insignia Infocast), go over to our sister Transit Appliance site for the full scoop on how to connect them. Otherwise you can just bookmark the resulting configuration.
BTW – the project has been attracting some volunteers! I’d like to thank Francis for significant help on the user experience and Matt who’s working to bring this to other kinds of hardware. If you’d like to help move this effort forward, reach out ( and let me know. There are lots of ways to help.
Enjoy, and please give us feedback!
4 responses to “Another Step Forward for Transit Appliances”
Is it possible to get it to not swap screens, ie just put all of the displays on 1 screen? At my address, in the next 45 minutes there are 13 departures. it splits them into 10 and 3. Perhaps there should be an option to put more than 10 on 1 page? I’m using a normal computer with 1920×1200 res. Thanks :)
Yes, there is an option that could be exposed for that. I’ll try to do that in the next day or two.
Not seeing the map on step 3 of the display configuration. Feel free to e-mail any troubleshooting tips. Thnx.
Result rows per page:
is now exposed in the configuration interface for Transit Board.