CRC Capsule Review

Back in April, I enthused about the international design panel brought to Portland to critique the Columbia River Crossing and suggested it was worth the 2 hours to listen to the audio of the event.

Happily, the highlights of that session are now available as three video segments of about 6 minutes each. If you don’t have 18 minutes, pick any one and watch. They are all great viewing.

3 responses to “CRC Capsule Review”

  1. Beautiful work! I’m so glad they were able to get this footage, and pull it together into such a solid presentation. Spread it far and wide.

    I’m going to start with Facebook; I keep telling my parents about the CRC, and now they’ll be able to see what I’m all worked up about :).

  2. Thanks Chris!
    I was inspired at the event by the insight of the speakers; inspired now again.

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