Apparently the Columbia River Crossing is a “A Model for Collaboration and Environmental Stewardship“.
What planet does the FHWA live on?
Apparently the Columbia River Crossing is a “A Model for Collaboration and Environmental Stewardship“.
What planet does the FHWA live on?
8 responses to “George Orwell Would be Proud”
Why, the mythical planet which was the subject of that classic Usenet parody, alt.pave-the-earth.
You did notice what said agency’s middle name was, right? :)
Of course, all of the transit-lover here will be put to work in the hydroponic pits when the Earth is succesfully paved over…
Of course, all of the transit-lover here will be put to work in the hydroponic pits when the Earth is succesfully paved over…
Only 6% of the US is developed so far. We have to work faster.
I’ve been getting ready for the Orwellian Moment for some time now. i.e being required to entertain contradictory concepts in the name of liberation… “freethinkers” or “gay marriage.”
I expect them to pass a law against double decker buses next. Y’know..where bus riders could have seats facing each other with little tables. So we’ll all be stuck facing forward, I guess. That way Big Brother can keep an eye on us all.
Please take the social issues commentary elsewhere. This is a transit blog, not a place to discuss gay marriage. Comrade Obama would not approve.
Comrade Moderator and his husband would have something to say about it, too.
Did you know that on the old Commisioner Sam blog, there’s a post on same-sex marriage where our own Mr. Parker turned it into a bicycle critique?
Here marks the official end of the gay marriage discussion in this thread.
Bob R,
How did Obama get into this? Really puzzled… However,somebody else had raised gay marriage previously so I didn’t know it was taboo. Now I know that whenever some social issue comes into discussion your warning will appear. Not an easy job being blog moderator, I know. I don’t envy anyone who has that job. But then, some comments just naturally arise that diverge from the central topic when people discuss things…but it is good to know the rules.