I snapped these last week. I’ve seen two or three of these downtown. The web site lists about a dozen locations in Portland.
But I haven’t seen any kind of announcement or publicity from either the vendor or the City. Kind of strange.
I snapped these last week. I’ve seen two or three of these downtown. The web site lists about a dozen locations in Portland.
But I haven’t seen any kind of announcement or publicity from either the vendor or the City. Kind of strange.
10 responses to “When Did We Acquire Another Car-Sharing Provider?”
I’ve seen this before, advertised at the U-Haul location near Powell and SE 50th. I almost want to say they’ve had signs up for it for about a year or so now.
Why should there be an announcement?
Why should there be an announcement?
Uhh… so people will find out about the service and use it?
First saw a u-haul PT Cruiser in downtown about 2 months ago. Just imagine, the crappy service you’ve come to expect form u-haul, combined with the crappy reliability they’ve shown us with their fleet of scarily aging box trucks.
If you go to http://www.ucarshare.com you can see they have 10 cars in Portland… interesting.
I would imagine they haven’t done a major announcement because these cars are primarily in place to serve a particular business or organization that has some type of arrangement with U Car Share. That’s how most for-profit car share companies are expanding these days…
Uhh… so people will find out about the service and use it?
Well I see that Chris found out about it which means others have found out about it.
So that means the vendor has made an announcement.
Why would the city make any sort of announcement?
I’ve also seen those a long while ago (as in years).
Actually, I should point out that I’ve only recently seen the cars on the street–before it was at U-Haul’s lots.
Well, I expect the city would make an announcement because the city provides the on-street parking spaces for “car-share” vehicles, and thus somehow authorizes certain vendors to use certain spaces. Also, I’d think the city’s Transportation Options folks would be trumpeting the popularity of the idea, which means less car ownership, and noting that it’s so popular that there are now competing services in Portland. It is worth noting that a large national company like U-haul has seen this market and is responding to it.
Well, I expect the city would make an announcement because the city provides the on-street parking spaces for “car-share” vehicles, and thus somehow authorizes certain vendors to use certain spaces. Also, I’d think the city’s Transportation Options folks would be trumpeting the popularity of the idea, which means less car ownership, and noting that it’s so popular that there are now competing services in Portland. It is worth noting that a large national company like U-haul has seen this market and is responding to it.