CRC Critic Joins Mayor’s Staff

Much was made of the announcement that Amy Ruiz, news editor of the Portland Mercury, was joining Mayor Sam Adams’ staff. The coverage focused on the transition from reporter to policy wonk.

What no one seems to have commented on yet is that Ruiz as been a very vocal critic of the Columbia River Crossing:

The Portland region has a backlog of unmet transportation needs, and a long list of transportation dreams, like more miles of bike boulevards, expanded bus service, streetcar extensions, and other options that let people leave their cars at home. If we put so many resources toward one bridge that largely benefits Vancouver commuters, however, where will we find the funding for those projects?

So what does it mean that such a vocal CRC opponent is now “strategic planning and sustainability policy advisor” for our new mayor?

32 responses to “CRC Critic Joins Mayor’s Staff”

  1. I agree with her. Why are we rewarding people who willingly choose to live far away from their homes and take single occupancy vehicles? And the very people who complain about the horrendous traffic are the ones creating it in the first place! Can someone tell me this doesn’t make sense or am I crazy?

    People have the right to live where they want, but don’t make it someone’s problem that you don’t have a gold platted roadway straight to your cubicle.

    If this is about freight movement and we do build a new bridge – do not give single occupancy vehicles more than 3 lanes and build freight only lane(s) or even HOT lanes (I believe those are congestion pricing lanes).

  2. If it means that Ms. Ruiz will then place City of Portland transportation planning at the forefront of PDOT’s priority list (instead of projects that are outside of the city or located on non-city streets/projects), then this is a good thing.

    If, on the other hand, this is more pandering to the special interest groups that favor Adams…then we can count on four years where the answer to every question is “Streetcar” or “No Build/TDM Alternative”, even before the question is asked.

  3. “I think you mean workplaces. :-)”

    Yes, I meant workplaces :D

    If METRO is looking for a bridge repair, look no further than the Sellwood bridge. I think a lot of people would get behind that project.

  4. We need a multi-modal bridge for livability.
    Yes it has car lanes , but these are also truck lanes. The nikes on your feet and the cheerios
    in your cupboard come to your store in a truck.
    If we get light-rail on this bridge and way up into the Couv , we have done a good thing , a 50 year solution. Then toll the bejeebus out of commuters and they can ‘choose’.

  5. billb,

    I will be waiting with you to hear that you are a “social engineering communist” for wanting light-rail and that you’re infringing on the “free society” of automobile-dependent lifestyles.

    I am always dumbfounded by these arguments, usually coming from people who live in an exclusive community where the only option is driving and your only neighbors are of the same socio-economic class and there are no mixed uses and the only buildings allowed are single family residences grouped together in clusters by how much they cost (God forbid there be a $200,000 home next to a $400,000 dollar home).

    I like cars and single family houses, however I have lived in “suburbia” my whole life and have come to the conclusion that this lifestyle is probably one of the most socially engineered of all living arrangements.

    Like you said “multi-modal” is the best option.

  6. I’ll bet you won’t hear a damn word about highway improvement to I-5 south of Wilsonville so that people living in Salem and working in Portland can get up here. And surely no one needs to move any freight. Hey just shut the port down. Block off I-84 and settle in to a nice self sustainable society. By the way let’s not have anyone in Portland going up to Mt Hood to ski. maybe those living in the westhills should just stay there and those on the eastside stay whee they are at. Damn straight!

  7. I’ll bet you won’t hear a damn word about highway improvement to I-5 south of Wilsonville so that people living in Salem and working in Portland can get up here.

    Personally I would prefer it that Portland city hall officials would prioritize spending for people who both live and work in and near Portland, rather than out-of-jurisdiction projects focused on people living in Salem who commute to Portland.

    However, Metro would be an appropriate body for hashing that out, as would ODOT.

  8. pa?tron?age

    +the distribution of jobs and favors on a political basis, as to those who have supported one’s party or political campaign.+

    It’s America after all, who ya know makes what you know irrelevant.

  9. I read a lot of Amy’s articles during the campaign, and taking in the totality of those writings, I don’t think she can be considered a strong supporter of any particular candidate… I don’t think this is a patronage appointment.

    That said, I’m always a bit reticent when someone hops directly from journalism to government (or the other way around).

  10. That said, I’m always a bit reticent when someone hops directly from journalism to government

    You being way to diplomatic in your remarks.

    Here is my WW post on the topic, not sure why WW hasn’t posted it, maybe I’m banned from them.

    Where is Ms Ruiz’s resume?
    Let’s take a look at it!
    Glad to see that SAM is no different than George Bush in how he appoints people to his administration.
    Can WW please get a copy of the job description for this City of Portland Pork Barrel position!
    They can’t fix the pot holes or plow the snow but they can fund garbage like this.

    [I’m also banned from Jack Bog’s blog]

  11. If its not a patronage appointment Bob what is it?

    She’s the most qualified?

    There are people on this blog,(you for instance) that have much more knowledge on the subject than she does!

    She supported ADAMS OF COURSE BOB, don’t say stupid stuff!

  12. actually, i’m pretty sure the original bikeportland piece explicitly stated her ‘very vocal’ opposition to the crc project. i could be wrong, though.

  13. Forget about the CRC project-

    What makes her qualified for this position?

    All these highly qualified people in Portland, and Adams chooses her?

    Inquiring minds want to know WHY!


  14. Sam Adams basically ‘inherited’ his job as mayor just like Bush Jr inherited his job from Bush senior.

    There was no election in Portland.

    Left or Right, different agenda’s but same playbook.

    Get in power,
    appoint your cronies,
    waste tax payers money,
    and ignore the public.

    The public always loses, ALWAYS!

  15. Sam Adams basically ‘inherited’ his job as mayor just like Bush Jr inherited his job from Bush senior.

    Oh come on. There was a well-publicized election with a well-funded and well-regarded opposition candidate. There was an overwhelming vote for Adams… it’s not like the Supreme Court intervened and stopped the vote count, as your example would imply. He got 58% of the vote out of numerous candidates, while his main opponent got 34%. That’s not an “inheritance”.

  16. In the end I voted for Sam too, we had no choice.

    Bush maybe stole the elections, yea, but he still inherited it.

    Donzo (or whatever) only jumped in cause there were lots of people WHO DID not want Adams.

    He had no organization,
    Adams on the other hand is a true “insider”.

  17. AMY RUIZ!

    I know your out there!

    Show us your resume and shut us up!

    Maybe you have a degree in “sustainability”!

    No such word in the dictionary btw, sustain, but no sustainability.

    Sounds like something Portland would come up with!

    Show us that Sam Adams knows what he’s doing and wouldn’t stoop to political payoffs.

    All we need is to see your resume and all the experience you have on the subject.


    I have research people at my disposal, we can find out anything!

    You wouldn’t want us digging around your closet would you?


  18. AH HA!


    You guys that host this site knew this all along didn’t ya?

    But y’all didn’t say NOTHING!

    This is all about BEAU BREEDLOVE!

    I just found it out myself.

    AMY RUIZ WAS GONNA BLOW THE WHISTLE ON MAYOR SAM,and this payoff is how he kept her quiet!


  19. Al –

    This is not the site for discussing scandals, but since you make a direct allegation toward “you guys that host this site”, I will post your comment and respond for myself: I have no information whatsoever about why Amy was hired, and I have no knowledge (other than what I have learned from the press along with everyone else) about the Sam Adams / Beau Breedlove affair. I resent that you would try and associate me with the scandal/cover-up.

    This topic is now closed.

  20. What I meant Bob-

    Was that you *MIGHT* have known some of the background,

    which I did not know nor did anybody else apparently until a couple of days ago.

    Obviously you (or anybody else on the site) have nothing to do with the scandal itself.


    It’s not suspicious at all, it OBVIOUS!

  21. Why do I care about MS Ruiz at all?

    I think you know the answer to that Bob!

    Funny isn’t it, how karma seems to work.


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