Last Vote on CRC LPA

There’s one more body that has yet to vote on the Columbia River Crossing Locally Preferred Alternative. If you want to get your licks in one last time:

The Southwest Washington RTC meets on July 22, at 4 pm at Clark County Public Service Center, 1300 W. Franklin, 6th Floor, Vancouver, WA.

Also you can email individual commissioners:
Paul Pearce:
Molly Coston:
Bill Ganley:
Brian Pringle:
Mayor Royce Pollard:
Jeff Hamm:
Clark County Commissioners:

Also, you can catch David Bragdon discussing his views on the CRC as the guests on his cable show turn the tables and ask him about it. Catch it on YouTube here and here.

0 responses to “Last Vote on CRC LPA”

  1. I’ll bet you 4.2 billion dollars that they go for the 12-lane option. Honestly, just look at what all of those people would have to say about such a bridge. Considering where the city of Portland went with this vote, I strongly doubt that these people will have anything to say for making a reasonably sized bridge.

    Good job exurbs, screwing over the ‘urb’ on which your commuters are dependent.

  2. If we’re going to build a new bridge, 10 lanes makes more sense than 12. Without a barrier between the through and local lanes it’s just going to result in too much weaving and likely not gain throughput over the bridge.

    CalTrans has a document I’m having trouble finding that defines large elements of their freeway design policies. It states that you see almost no net benefit by having more than 5 undivided lanes in one direction.

    And for those worried about traffic hitting a bottleneck at the Fremont Bridge, that’s a small fix also. The Rose Quarter isn’t so much a small fix, but I-405 can take more traffic southbound with a few small fixes (taking little, if any private ROI.)

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