KBOO Bike Show: Women for Bikes

Listen to the show (mp3, 22.5M)

The KBOO studios just might catch fire with all the powerhouses on air for this month’s KBOO Bike Show featuring the Women for Bikes program.

Guests include Alison Hill-Graves from the Community Cycling Center, Janis McDonald from the City of Portland and Barb Grover from the Bike Gallery.


7 responses to “KBOO Bike Show: Women for Bikes”

  1. I very much enjoyed your show today, and thanks for taking my call! (the last one) Encouraging more women to ride bikes has been an active personal agenda of mine for a few years now, taken up just with my friends and family and not so much any of the programs you discussed. It’s been very fun and rewarding for me to acquire and fix bikes, teach maintenance and riding skills, and go on rides with a lot of women I know. And the success has been huge!

    I was also going to comment on some of the other barriers to riding you mentioned, such as clothing and child care by sharing my observations of bike traffic in Amsterdam. The pathways are much safer, and the bikes are quite different from the mountain bikes and road bikes one commonly sees here. The geometry is such that you are elevated a bit more and have exceptional balance and turning even at slow speeds. And they have thorough chain guards so it’s nigh impossible to get any clothing caught. I would see women with skirts all the way down to their very stylish boots riding, often with one or more children on the same bike with them.

    Your comments following mine echoed many of my thoughts in terms of just feeling better, enhancing your mind, and having a pleasant benefit in strength and stance as well as overall fitness. Yes biker legs are wonderful, but just seeing any woman riding any bicycle is a pleasant sight.

    Thank you all for another excellent bike show and you have my cheers for all your efforts.

    – T

  2. Wow… great show! I found you o itunes.

    It would be great if you could post the names of the featured guest’s, the programs they represent/you all talked about on this show and last but not least the links to some of the websites.



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