Ciclovía: A Moving Experience in Bogotá, Colombia

Via Planetizen:

Every Sunday from 7am to 2pm, up to 2 million residents of Bogotá, Colombia enjoy over 70 miles of car-free streets. The event is called Ciclovía. StreetFilms brings you along for the ride.

In September, StreetFilms videographer Clarence Eckerson traveled to Bogotá, Colombia to document that city’s remarkable Livable Streets movement. Accompanied by former Bogotá Parks Commissioner Gil Peñalosa, Eckerson and his New York City Streets Renaissance colleagues spent an entire Sunday riding the Ciclovía, a weekly event in which over 70 miles of city streets are closed to traffic and opened to walking, biking, running, skating, aerobics classes, vendors, and socializing among family members, neighbors and strangers. Ciclovía, Eckerson says, “was simply one of the most moving experiences I have had in my entire life.”

In this 9 minute StreetFilm, translated and hosted by Transportation Alternatives’ Karla Quintero, Eckerson takes you along for the ride.

Other cities in the Americas have similar events; how would such an event fare in Portland?

Watch the video

10 responses to “Ciclovía: A Moving Experience in Bogotá, Colombia”

  1. In both cases, it’s a main street through town, though not the most major street. Buses have to be rerouted.

    Do any fans of Ciclovia have suggestions for thoroughfares in Portland that they would like to see used for this type of event?

  2. Speaking of all this, PBS’s “E2” will have an episode on Bogota this Friday:

    E2: Bogota: Enrique Peñalosa transformed Bogota, Colombia, by adding greenways, building mega-libraries and creating the longest stretch of bike-only lanes in the world.

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