Month: August 2007

  • Transit Board Enhancements?

    TriMet has a new display up at the 7th and Holladay MAX station that looks a lot like a Transit Board™. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery :-) [Actually, I have no idea if this design was inspired by Transit Board or not, it’s not like the design is especially original.] Does anyone know…

  • Whew!

    Oregon’s bridges are safe, apparently.

  • Toward a Better Bus System

    Based on a suggestion in our open thread for suggesting topics, here’s an attempt to refocus the Bus vs. LRT debate we seem to have here constantly. Taking MAX out of the equation (you can either assume we stop building more MAX or that we have enough money to both buses and MAX), how would…

  • Our First Transportation System

    Tuesday’s Tribune had an interesting feature article on the Portland Harbor and the conflicting demands on it: working industrial land, port facilities, riverside trails, environmental cleanup and habitat restoration. The Willamette River was Portland’s very first transportation system, and is still one of our most significant. Indeed, the confluence of Freeway, Rail and Marine transport…

  • Coming Up on the KBOO Bike Show: Bike Commute Challenge

    Hosts Sara & Tori will talk to Michelle Poyourow, the coordinator of the BTA’s Bike Commute Challenge, an annual competition that promotes cycling to work. An additional guest will tell us about the upcoming cycle-cross race season. 9-10AM, Wednesday, September 5th KBOO FM 90.7 Streamed live at Podcast here later that day