So we trust the guys who ok’d the bridge that collapsed to tell us these Oregon bridges are ok?
Come on now, there isn’t that much motivation to really inspect these things, nor is there the resources. I’d love to know what the process was. Did a walk over and under occur on every bridge, with multiple personel, with detection equipment and tests occurring?
But I digress, I don’t drive on the stupid bridges anyway. I drive on the privately maintained road course of PIR, so I really could care less. Now if only my taxes would STOP supporting road contructions I’d be super stoked. I’d rather they go into Light Rail to Vancouver so my parents can stop driving over here across that cursed I-5 bridge. Ugh, just disgusting and untrustworthy that scenario is.
“Preventive painting is ideal but costly, in part because of rules that protect wildlife and streams, so the state avoids painting all but landmark bridges such as the St. Johns Bridge in North Portland.
Instead, maintenance crews wait for corrosion to wither steel beams enough to prompt their replacement”
The question is whether that is more cost effective, or is it just cheaper in the short run. I suspect the latter. That essentially we are saving money by not re-shingling the roof until the living room ceiling caves in.
Am I th only one that wonders what environmental regulations have to do with this story? It seems to be a gratuitous detail that raises questions about the credibility of the rest of the story and its sources.
Uh huh. And 24 hours before the Minnesota collapse, no government official would’ve told you that the bridge wasn’t safe for driving. I feel so much better now.
The article also mentions something that was indicated on ODOT’s website earlier this month (Aug.), well before this article was printed in yesterday’s O: The Sellwood Bridge inspection is yet to happen, and scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 9th. This also happens to be the closing date for the survey that’s on the website.
I am interested by your comments about SMS Text schedules. I have just completed my web site on We have achieved a good return of info in 4 languages, based on three bus operators and one airline. Circa 30million journies per year. From your comments, you shouldnt have too many problems. Happy to assist if required. PS..this is a private project too !
Stop the collapsing infrastructure hysteria! It is likely true that we have some bridges and highways that need serious repair and/or replacement. But a lot of this is just mewing for profits by contractors and labor unions. In my own union I have seen, over the last twenty years, a number of pleas to agitate for “rebuilding Ameica’s infrastructure.” The US taxpayers don’t need a slough of projects gobbling up our hard earned money. We need some relief after the ordeal we have been through for the last several years, not a barrage of spending projects from the other side.
Some projects that we should cross out in the Portland area:
1.Rebuilding the I-5 bridges via the CRC project
2. Further light rail lines
3. Removing the Marquam Bridge and rerouting I-5
4. The Sunnyside Corridor
7 responses to “Whew!”
So we trust the guys who ok’d the bridge that collapsed to tell us these Oregon bridges are ok?
Come on now, there isn’t that much motivation to really inspect these things, nor is there the resources. I’d love to know what the process was. Did a walk over and under occur on every bridge, with multiple personel, with detection equipment and tests occurring?
But I digress, I don’t drive on the stupid bridges anyway. I drive on the privately maintained road course of PIR, so I really could care less. Now if only my taxes would STOP supporting road contructions I’d be super stoked. I’d rather they go into Light Rail to Vancouver so my parents can stop driving over here across that cursed I-5 bridge. Ugh, just disgusting and untrustworthy that scenario is.
From the article:
“Preventive painting is ideal but costly, in part because of rules that protect wildlife and streams, so the state avoids painting all but landmark bridges such as the St. Johns Bridge in North Portland.
Instead, maintenance crews wait for corrosion to wither steel beams enough to prompt their replacement”
The question is whether that is more cost effective, or is it just cheaper in the short run. I suspect the latter. That essentially we are saving money by not re-shingling the roof until the living room ceiling caves in.
Am I th only one that wonders what environmental regulations have to do with this story? It seems to be a gratuitous detail that raises questions about the credibility of the rest of the story and its sources.
Uh huh. And 24 hours before the Minnesota collapse, no government official would’ve told you that the bridge wasn’t safe for driving. I feel so much better now.
The article also mentions something that was indicated on ODOT’s website earlier this month (Aug.), well before this article was printed in yesterday’s O: The Sellwood Bridge inspection is yet to happen, and scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 9th. This also happens to be the closing date for the survey that’s on the website.
I am interested by your comments about SMS Text schedules. I have just completed my web site on We have achieved a good return of info in 4 languages, based on three bus operators and one airline. Circa 30million journies per year. From your comments, you shouldnt have too many problems. Happy to assist if required. PS..this is a private project too !
Stop the collapsing infrastructure hysteria! It is likely true that we have some bridges and highways that need serious repair and/or replacement. But a lot of this is just mewing for profits by contractors and labor unions. In my own union I have seen, over the last twenty years, a number of pleas to agitate for “rebuilding Ameica’s infrastructure.” The US taxpayers don’t need a slough of projects gobbling up our hard earned money. We need some relief after the ordeal we have been through for the last several years, not a barrage of spending projects from the other side.
Some projects that we should cross out in the Portland area:
1.Rebuilding the I-5 bridges via the CRC project
2. Further light rail lines
3. Removing the Marquam Bridge and rerouting I-5
4. The Sunnyside Corridor
>The US taxpayers don’t need a slough of projects gobbling up our hard earned money.