Streetcar on Your iPhone

If you’re an early adopter, and already have your iPhone (guilty – I got mine at 11pm on the first day – after the lines were gone), an interface to the NextBus arrival time system used by Portland Streetcar has just been released. Check out

I’m jealous, I’d love to have a spiffy iPhone interface for our Transit Surfer for all of TriMet’s lines!

One response to “Streetcar on Your iPhone”

  1. This looks great on my iPhone! I think my biggest usability issue with using on the iPhone is the fact that the page requires a lot of zooming in each time.

    It should be an easy fix, the iPhone simply draws pages as if they were 980px wide unless told otherwise. Apple has put together a page with some tips on designing for the iPhone:

    Under “Optimize for Page Readability,” there is a section on laying out content for the iPhone viewport. It appears a few lines of HTML could fix the problem while maintaining the interface for other devices. I think at minimum, putting a div around the content might make it zoomable via double-tap, which would be an improvement.

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