First Major Public Event in RTP Process

The “New Look” process, the update of both our regional land use plan and our Regional Transportation Plan, calls for a wide variety of public outreach methods. Included are three major “regional forums.” The first has been scheduled:

New Look at Region Choices
Regional Forum 2006
Save the Date
8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday, June 23, 2006
Oregon Convention Center
$30 per person (lunch provided)

More than one million more people will be living here during the next thirty years. Join the Metro Council and public and private leaders as we respond to the unprecedented opportunities and challenges we face as a region.

Details about the program, registration and payment will follow soon.

For more information about the Metro Council’s New Look at Regional Choices, visit

For information about the Regional Forum, contact:
Metro Planning Department
(503) 797-1864

Frankly, I’m a little concerned that such an important forum carries a cover charge for citizens to participate, but it is important and I hope Portland Transport readers will consider attending.

This seems like a good time to make Portland Transport’s tracking of the RTP update a little more official – I’ve created a category for tracking it.


2 responses to “First Major Public Event in RTP Process”

  1. Ditto on charging $30 for the forum. I’d suggest folks write to Metro Councilors and Metro Chief Operating Officer, Michael Jordan, asking them to get rid of the $30 fee altogether or, at least, make it optional for attendees. This is what we do for our annual Regional Livability Summit every year. This makes the event more accessible and assures that cost is not a barrier to participation.

  2. What does it cost to get in to just watch public policy being formulated?

    This smells like charging admission to city council sessions.


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