CRC Tolls Would Flood I-205 with Traffic

According to an analysis by Joe Cortright, based on numbers obtained from the project via a public records request, reported in Willamette Week.

5 responses to “CRC Tolls Would Flood I-205 with Traffic”

  1. GREAT! Do the seismic upgrades AND NOTHING MORE! No interchange improvements, no “northwest passage”, no Holy Third Bridge for which King David would no doubt compose his latest and greatest Psalm.


    But the whiners in Clark County won’t agree to that! Oh, no; they want a brand, spanking new ten lane bridge (but build it twelve lanes and we’ll just stripe it for ten–wink, wink!) paid for by SOMEbody…ANYbody else.

  2. “do the seismic upgrades.” But first read USGS report 1661-f….and let your anxiety over Portland/Vancouver earthquakes settle down.

    And then please review the SW Wash. RTC 1999 Vision. Lots of third bridge options there, buddy.

    • No “Third Bridge” either, Ron. You may think you’re Governor of Oregon, but you’re not. And your opinions about transportation are in the distinct minority in the City of Portland. As long as the Democrats hold the governorship of the state and control of the Portland City Council, there will be no “Third Bridge” to Clark County. Nor should there be.

      Although Washington has land use laws modeled on those of Oregon, they are weaker, and M&M twins running the Clark County government are doing everything they can to subvert even those weaker restrictions.

      So enabling growth in Clark County is antithetical to everything that Metro and the State are trying to achieve in the Tri-County area. Any expansion of rubber tired capacity across the Columbia is an invitation to explosive growth in north and east Clark County. It should not happen.

  3. Do I think that I’m the governor of Oregon? No, I don’t have the requisite military experience to be a good politician. As CS Lewis remarked about his experiences as a British officer in World War I: “There I met both the World and that great Goddess, Nonsense.”

    Wait a minute: . PT contributor…nonsense….hmmm…maybe I am qualified.

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