KBOO Bike Show: Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030

Listen to the show (mp3, 27.0MB)

Sara and Tori are joined by Roger Geller, City Bicycle Coordinator in the Office of the Director and creator of the Bicycle Master Plan. The 2030 Bicycle Plan is the crystal ball to the future of cycling and the city’s goals. We talk with him about where we are now and where the city hopes to be by 2030. Also joining is Michelle Poyourow from the BTA to bring us their own version of where they see Portland now and what they hope to see in the new plan.

Are we dreaming too big or not big enough? Have we got all we need or is this only the beginning? Join us for an in-depth discussion and bring your own questions, concerns and vision of the future of Portland transportation.


7 responses to “KBOO Bike Show: Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030”

  1. I enjoyed Mr. Geller’s comment about 3/4 of the way through the podcast. One of the interviewers asked Mr. Geller if there was a plan to raise the funds, or reprioritize funding in the city budgets, to realize the recommendations made in the bicycle master plan. His response was:

    “There is a plan in the plan for developing a plan …”

    His statement is a good representation of current municipal leadership in this town. We spend millions on plans, and have little left over for projects. Planning is good when the resources for planning don’t begin to outweigh the resources for projects. Politically it’s easy to plan, its more difficult to do. We need more doing.

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