Governor Signs Transportation Bill: Some Cheer, Some Cry

Coverage by the Business Journal.

Good news for local governments looking for money for potholes. Bad news for environmentalists.

It appears that the anti-tax folks have been bought off by the Newberg-Dundee bypass funding in the bill (one of the reasons to cry). I heard some early rumblings that some environmental organizations might try to refer this, but I have not heard anything about this recently, so I’m assuming we’ll just cry in our beer.

Oh, and expect the Transportation Commission to quietly allocate $30M from this for Columbia River Crossing funding.


11 responses to “Governor Signs Transportation Bill: Some Cheer, Some Cry”

  1. Anti-tax? When will these fossil-fuel trolls be exposed? They aren’t marching in the streets against the $trillions spent on bailing out housing sprawl, auto company failures… and above all oil wars! When was the last time they protested the highway lobby, one of the biggest funnels of subsidy in the world. They are only anti-tax when it might be used for the public good, something their masters even benefit from.

  2. Would you provide proof of your comments? Lumping a large portion of the US population together like that and then hurling accusatory comments at them is inflammatory. It’s one of the techniques of propaganda.

  3. If any group qualifies as anti-tax trolls, it is the bicyclists that feed off of the taxes motorists pay on both fossil fuels and motor vehicles rather than paying their own way – thereby paying taxes on both bicycles and bicycling.

  4. I think, just for fun, the next Critical Mass rally should be in front of Terry’s house. :)

  5. I think, just for fun, the next Critical Mass rally should be in front of Terry’s house. :)

    Hehehe, now that is a good idea!

    For Terry, turn the volume up!


  6. How about this alternative:

    In the name of peace and mutual understanding, instead of starting the next Critical Mass ride in front of Terry’s house, we instead start the next World Naked Bike Ride in front of my house… ?

  7. There isn’t much traffic on my street so they wouldn’t be doing much towards making their point of creating mayhem and contributing to consumption by making divers consume more fuel. Nationally – be it traffic signals, congestion (artificially induced by constricted infrastructure or otherwise real), busses (or streetcars) stopped and boarding passengers in travel lanes at curb extensions, and/or critical mass mayhem – motor vehicle engines idling in traffic waste 2.3 billion gallons of fuel a year. If they do decide to use my street, if I am home, I’ll surely do my best to help out and add to the consumption cause. I think I can find an old car – you know one that belches out a lot of smoke – park it near the end of my driveway, on my property of course, and rev up the engine up when they go by.

    As for al m’s link: Sam may find that more interesting than I do.

  8. I think I can find an old car – you know one that belches out a lot of smoke – park it near the end of my driveway, on my property of course, and rev up the engine up when they go by.

    Ya know what Terry? That is genuinely funny!

    And I bet that would be effective too!

    That really made me laugh!

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