Category: Transportation Planning

  • Setting Course for the 22nd Century

    Metro is just beginning an update of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). Every four years, Metro is required to update our transportation plan to comply with state and federal planning requirements. I’m excited to announce that this update will be done in a different way than past updates, and, hopefully, give us some direction out…

  • The Oregon Business Plan and Transportation

    Today was the big Oregon Business Plan Summit. Besides a fun session in which Harvard’s Michael Porter analyzed the plan (more on his presentation in another post), of course I immediately went to the transportation section of the plan. Beyond the predictable priorities like the Columbia Crossing, there were some encouragingly progressive ideas:

  • Congestion = Prosperity?

    Rex passes along the following link from yesterday’s NY Times Magazine: The Way We Live Now: Speed Bump While talking about tolling as the increasing preferred approach to deal with congestion, it suggests this newly emerging perspective: The overarching new credo is that gridlock shouldn’t be conceived of as a problem or a mark of…

  • On Projects and CDs

    A few weeks ago, we noted that the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the I-5 Delta Park project was due out and there was an option to order it on CD-ROM. Well, we have not received our CD yet (we assume it’s “in the mail”), but we did get an e-mail that the EA is available…

  • Rotterdam, a Different Dutch CIty

    We’ve been combing through our notes from our Netherlands trip, and have one or two more posts left… While our visit was centered in Amsterdam, we had the chance to visit a number of cities, and Rotterdam provides an interesting contrast. It is the commercial center of the country and a major port city (about…