AASHTO is Coming to Town: What Does it Mean for the CRC?
The American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (think ODOT and it’s 49 brethren) is holding its annual meeting here in Portland. It started a couple of days ago. Part of the meeting is to determine a legislative agenda, and preliminary work for this was done at a subcommittee meeting in Minneapolis last month.…
Help Drive Transportation Policy
It’s time for Metro to select three new Citizen Representatives for TPAC (half of the 6 citizens on the committee). This is a great opportunity both to learn more about how transportation works in our region (I can attest to that personally, having served for 3 years) and a chance to help guide policy in…
Congestion Revisited
Following up on Rex’ post yesterday, here’s yet another perspective on congestion. Todd Litman up at the VTPI has produced two complimentary reports that revisit a lot of assumptions about how to cope with congestion (hint: widening roads isn’t necessarily the answer). Both are well worth the read. Smart Congestion Reductions: Reevaluating The Role Of…
The Real Cause of Congestion?
Jonathan Schlueter of the Westside Economic Alliance passed out some interesting information at this month’s transportation committee meeting, showing the increase in motor vehicle registration over the past 30 years. In 1975, there were about 2.3 million people living in Oregon. They owned about 386 Thousand cars. That’s one vehicle for every 6 people. In…
Transport Jobs
A couple of open positions: The BTA is looking for a finance and development assistant. Alta Planning has openings in Portland for a Planner and a Landscape Architect/Designer.