Playing Devil’s Advocate: What if we wait?
A discussion on the timing of big-ticket capital projects.
Sorting Out Central City Mobility
As part of the “CC2035” component of the Portland Plan, I’ll be participating (wearing my Planning and Sustainability Commission hat) in a symposium on mobility in the Central Central. Come out and join the fun. The BTA blog has all the details.
Southwest Corridor project starting up, wins $2 million FTA grant
The next rapid transit corridor to be extensively studied in the Portland Metro area, what many in the media (including us) have been calling the “Barbur Boulevard” corridor, has a new (and more generic) name (The Southwest Corridor) and a $2 million grant from the FTA.
TriMet and the Trust Gap Part 3: The Planning Role
Today, TriMet held an informal planning session, at which point it was announced that in order to fund MLR, an additional $20 million of operating revenue may be needed to build Milwaukie MAX, as reported by Michael at PortlandAfoot.org. A key word is “may”. This column address a broader issue; that of TriMet’s role in…
Under New Management: TriMet and the Trust Gap
What ought to be of concern to TriMet’s riders and supporters was Friday’s front page article by Joseph Rose, who covers the transportation beat for the paper. The title says it all: Will TriMet bond measure get the support of those who actually ride TriMet? In the article, Rose (who is quite knowledgeable on the…