TriMet Updates Service Cut Proposals
TriMet has a new press release out today outlining changes to the service cut proposal. They received over 1,500 comments. Check out the press release for details. In summary: Fewer cuts than originaly proposed to buses (5 lines cut instead of 12, but the “spared” 7 face other changes/consolidations.) MAX cuts stay basically the same…
TriMet Schedules Public Hearings for Service Cuts and Fareless Square
TriMet will be holding a series of three public hearings in rapid-succession. The hearings will cover the dual (and somewhat intertwined) topics of service cuts due to reduced revenue, and the future of Fareless Square. From: http://trimet.org/meetings/publichearings.htm Monday, April 6, 2009, 4-7 p.m. Wilson High School Auditorium 1151 SW Vermont Portland, OR 97219 Tuesday, April…
Keep Portland Moving – Bridge Pedal Edition
From Multnomah County: Traffic plan set for Providence Bridge Pedal The 12th annual Providence Bridge Pedal on Sunday morning, August 12, will involve ten Willamette River bridges in Portland. The event includes three different cycle routes and one for walkers. As usual, the event will require some changes in how motorists get around the city,…
Congestion: Average Travel Time vs. Reliability
I had the opportunity to attend a “Travel Time Reliability” workshop at Metro a few weeks ago (I never said I wasn’t a wonk). The speaker was kind enough to forward the PowerPoint since I wanted to blog about a few of the slides. My point here is that when most people think about congestion,…
The Good Kind of Holes in the Street
The Daily Journal of Commerce reports on a pilot of porous street paving treatments in Salem. I wonder if we spent the price of the Big Pipe on this, if we would have needed the pipe?