Category: Streetscapes

  • Requiem for a Greenway

    It was after 6:30, so the bulk of the evening rush had come and gone. Clinton Street would be quiet, relaxing, exhilarating…like the olden days. Or so I thought. Before I’d even ridden a block, I got the all-too familiar “Clinton Street Salute:” a car zipping around me too quickly and too closely. It presaged…

  • Changing the DNA of City Streets

    PSU Transportation Seminar: Speaker: Peter Koonce, Portland Bureau of Transportation Topics: Introduction to the NACTO Urban Street Design – Changing the DNA of City Streets When: Friday, April 4, 2014, 12-1 p.m. Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204 Summary: In this seminar Peter will summarize his contributions to the NACTO Urban Street Design Guide, a guidebook focused…

  • Can We Consolidate Some of Our On-street Obstacles?

    Via Planetizen: Vancouver, B.C., is experimenting with the “V-pole”, a compact pole that combines street lighting with other functions like telecomm, parking paystations, electric vehicle charging and a host of other possibilities. Should we try it here?

  • The power of urban demolition

    Three areas where tearing down obsolete highways or viaducts could improve the urban environment.

  • More Than a Pothole, Less Than a Street

    Via the SW Trails list serve: Five PSU graduate students organized as Larke Planning created a report detailing potential options for taking unimproved streets in the City of Portland and upgrading them in ways that are potentially very creative and useful, but less expensive than building a complete street up to City standards. Well worth…