Category: Safety

  • Follow-Up: Police presence on MAX

    The Gresham Outlook has a new article about the increased police presence on MAX in the Gresham area. The full article details the efforts of police and the reaction of the riders. The end of the article provides 3 weeks’ worth of statistics, the first of which I’ll excerpt here: Week one: Nov. 7-12 800…

  • REMINDER: We Are ALL Traffic

    Update: There will be a number of bike rides from sites of fatal crashes to the Saturday rally. I will be leading one from NW 23rd and Quimby where Sara Cogan, a pedestrian crossing NW 23rd, was killed in 2006. We’ll assemble at 11:10am on Saturday for that ride. The bicycle community is responding in…

  • TriMet promises fresh eye on crime/Fearing Milwaukie’s MAX

    The Oregonian reports that TriMet is under fire from the state legislature to “address real and perceived safety problems” on and near the light rail line or possibly face resistance by the state when it comes to appropriating future funding for rail expansion projects. In February, Trimet must report back to the legislature about the…

  • Red-light rundown

    Tuesday, the Portland Tribune ran an article to debunk some of the myths surrounding red light cameras in Portland. It is a fairly quick read and rather informative for those of us who aren’t familiar with the local version of the program. While city leaders and city police still hear the complaints once in a…

  • Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger: Interstate and Greeley

    Tip of the Hat to Commissioner Sam Adams who closed the right turn from Interstate onto Greeley after the second serious car/bike crash in two weeks. Wag of the Finger to the Portland Police Bureau who declined to issue a citation or conduct an investigation despite eyewitness accounts that would suggest the possibility of erratic…