Category: Safety

  • The Problem of Distracted Pedestrians

    A piece from NPR’s Weekend Edition explores the safety challenge of pedestrians who are distracted by cell phones, texting or simply listening to MP3 players, including the sad story of a teen whose iPod was so loud he didn’t hear the freight train that killed him. Now I’ve been know to walk the streets of…

  • Older Streets are Safer Streets

    Via Planetizen, a study suggests that older streets may be safer than those engineered to current standards.

  • The First Priority

    Today’s Trib has an article on the Safe Routes to School program and some schools that are on the waiting list once additional resources are available. Wouldn’t this be a great top priority for any transportation stimulus package?

  • Eye Contact

    Here’s a cautionary tale from Sharon White, a member of the PDOT “Community and School Traffic Safety Partnership” who often plays the role of ‘decoy’ in crosswalk stings. Everyone have a safe and happy Thanksgiving… It is rare that I get scared during a Crosswalk Enforcement Action because I an generally very cautious and very…

  • TriMet announces new security measures, personnel.

    TriMet issued a press release yesterday outlining expansion of it’s security measures. Announced enhancements include: Hiring 15 more police officers. Hiring additional Field Supervisors (who may now check fares) and combining them with Fare Inspectors. Working with the District Attorney to request legislative changes to increase fines and penalties. Using a TSA grant to add…