Category: Projects

  • I-5/99W Connector Update

    Thanks to the reader who flagged this for me since it didn’t appear in the Portland edition of the O. Beyond talking about the current state of the project planning, this article has a nice set of links to the (greatly varying) perspectives on this project in various west side communities.

  • Did They or Didn’t They?

    And interesting sequence of e-mail forwarded by Sharon Nasset regarding the Columbia Crossing and the Coast Guard. Forwarded Message: Subj: RE: Earthquake & Bridges from the Oregonian Date: 12/21/06 6:53:08 PM Pacific Standard Time From: (Moeller, Rep. Jim) To: Hi Sharon: Thanks for your email. I understand the bridge needs to be demolished…

  • Liberty Has Reservations on CRC

    In last Friday’s Daily Journal of Commerce, Metro Councilor Robert Liberty shares his concerns about the Columbia River Crossing project.

  • A Small Victory for Jim

    The Daily Journal of Commerce is reporting that Metro will “crunch the numbers” for running Milwaukie Light Rail through the Central East Side instead of over a bridge into downtown. It’s a little bit hard to tell from the article, but I get the sense that this is a side exercise by Metro staff at…

  • Tram Beneficiary: Bike Commuters

    Over on, Jonathan is reporting that bicycle parking at the lower Tram terminus is overflowing. He hypothesizes that many OHSU workers have wanted to commute by bike, but were daunted by the hill. The obstacle is now removed…