Category: Projects

  • Breaking: Washington State Senator dies; could this affect the CRC?

    We have just received word that a Republican Washington State Senator, Mike Carrell of Lakewood, has died due to complications of a blood condition. While it may seem a bit macabre to discuss the political implications of this so soon, depending on how ruthless things are, this could affect the Columbia River Crossing. Prior to…

  • Reverse English on Skagit Collapse

    It took about two minutes for the Columbia River Crossing spin machine to suggest that the Skagit Bridge collapse proves we need to build the CRC. Two opinion pieces this weekend volley the ball back over the net, with the real policy point – we need to prioritize maintenance: CLF Director Mara Gross on Blue…

  • Southwest Corridor Questionnaire

    This past Thursday, May 23rd, a community planning forum was held to present and discuss the current status of the SW Corridor, and solicit more community input. For those who didn’t attend, the materials have been posted on the project’s home page, and there is an online questionnaire for those who wish to add their…

  • How Will Skagit Bridge Collapse Affect CRC Debate?

    [First let me express relief that no one was killed in the collapse.] Yesterday’s collapse of an I-5 bridge North of Seattle will: 1) Scare Washington legislators into funding the CRC out of fear of a similar collapse. or 2) Make legislators recognize that they have many bridges with problems and they should spend their…

  • Powell/Division project to (officially) start in July

    For quite some time, BRT (of various sorts) has been talked about in the TriMet system. It was considered for the original MAX line (at a time in which both BRT and LRT were virtually unheard of in the US); and it was given some serious consideration for PMLR. It remains a leading contender for…