Category: Projects

  • CRC Reality Setting In?

    Via the Mercury Blogtown. Are 12-lane Columbia River Crossing supporters finally admitting that their ambitions are unrealistic? An interview in the Columbian with Don Wagner may be the first signal: “Just like most of us in the real world, we dream about the car we want,” Wagner said in a wide-ranging interview last week. “And…

  • Transit Mall to Reopen Without Shelters? (Bus or Train)

    A few days ago, in a less-than-lofty debate amongst commenters on the KATU web site, a pseudononymous individual mentioned that the Transit Mall’s shelters would be completed in December. (I have noticed, through regular observations, that one new transit shelter has had a roof, perhaps as a demonstration, for several months, but no others have…

  • CRC Opposition Moves to Google Earth

    If we can’t stop ’em in the real world, we’ll out flank them in the virtual world! A self-described “animator turned-urban-planning grad student” has created a nice description of induced demand illustrated in Google Earth (you’ll need version 5.0): Anyone up for an anti-CRC rally in Second Life?

  • Lake Oswego Streetcar Open Houses that Matter

    There are two open houses coming up for the ‘refinement study’ for the Lake Oswego Streetcar. The refinement study is narrowing the options that will go into the final Environmental Impact Statement process. In particular both routing options through John’s Landing and terminus options in Lake Oswego are being reviewed. As we learned from the…

  • An Alternate CRC Vision

    Regular commenter Ron Swaren sends along this alternate concept for the Columbia River Crossing: The concept of a new Interstate Bridge in the Burlington Northern/AMTRAK corridor has been widely discussed both in Vancouver, WA political circles and in Portland, as an alternative to the Columbia River Crossing project. The idea was discussed, briefly, as the…