Category: Projects

  • How Would ODOT Pay for the CRC?

    The Columbia River Crossing was front page news in Salem last week (more on that later), which begs the question, if Oregon goes ahead on its own, how would the bill get paid? The first installment is the $450M that the legislature committed last year. They’d have to repeat that commitment, as it expired when…

  • Spin Cycle: CRC Seismic Upgrades

    Well, at least the half-life of lies being told to support the Columbia River Crossing is getting shorter. In its morning printed edition of February 10, the Oregonian reported that state bridge engineer Bruce Johnson claimed that “no one had estimated the cost of seismically retrofitting” the I-5 bridges, and speculated that such a retrofit…

  • Does He Mean It This Time?

    Governor Kitzhaber has written to the Legislature, setting a deadline for a Columbia River Crossing funding deal. Get it done by March 15th, or he’ll pull the plug once and for all. Of course ODOT has given us “it must happen by” deadlines at least twice before, and nonetheless sallied onward. And the Governor has…

  • CRC Deconstructed

    Coincident with today’s legislative hearings on the Columbia River Crossing, 1000 Friends of Oregon has released “CRC Facts”, a 22-page deconstruction of the project’s flaws.

  • Oregonian Finally Notices Illogic of CRC

    While the Editorial Board continues to tell us that the Columbia River Crossing must be built, at least over on the news side they managed to read the toll analysis and figure out that: 1) Traffic is not growing at the rates that were used to justify the project 2) Tolling I-5 without tolling I-205…