Category: Projects

  • A reminder: Transfers Need Frequency

    In the recent SW Corridor thread, the prospect of a LRT line connecting Tigard TC with Washington Square and/or Beaverton TC came up.  Such a thing is outside the scope of the SW Corridor project as currently defined, but might well be a longer-term project for the metro area.  One specific question that came up…

  • Updated: SW Corridor Options About to be Narrowed

    Update: 3/20/14 Maps of the potential alignments as well as the options proposed for elimination are now available at Metro’s web site. Original Post: 3/19/14 This article on Metro’s site talks about some of the options likely to be removed from consideration in April by the project steering committee. I mourn the tunnel from Hillsdale…

  • Metro: CRC Stays in Regional Transportation Plan

    Metro staff reported to JPACT this morning (a meeting of local elected officials who pass judgement on regional transportation policy) that the Columbia River Crossing would remain in the version of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) being updated as we speak. The rationale is that the RTP designation is not for a specific project design…

  • Life After the CRC, What Now?

    The Columbia River Crossing in its current form is dead (maybe). What happens now? The 2015 Legislative Session has been touted to be the next opportunity for a big transportation package. What might that look like absent the CRC? Here are a few possibilities: An urban transportation agenda. Mayor Hales has suggested that perhaps now…

  • ODOT Announces CRC Shutdown

    Speaker Kotek threw in the towel and the legislature adjourned without passing funding. ODOT has announced the project office will shut down by May 31. But is the Zombridge really dead?