Hillsboro mayor trying to resurrect corpse of Westside Bypass
In an e-mail missive sent out to many decision-makers in Washington County, Hillsboro mayor Jerry Willey is proposing legislative language to require ODOT to conduct a study on a “Westside Corridor”–which is defined as a new, alternative state highway corridor route, and associated, supporting state and regional highway projects, west of Oregon Route 217 running…
BRT, LRT advance in Southwest Corridor
Before the meat of the post, some apologies for my scarcity the past two months or so. I always seem to take blog-cation in the fall, and it happened again this year–have been quite busy with work and home, so haven’t had much time for PT. (Plus, I’ve been focusing a bit more on the…
Checking In on the PMLR Bridge
On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to tour the construction site around the west abutment of the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Bridge through the Oregon section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. At present, most of the work is centered around the construction of the in-water piers and the two towers that rise from each. The…
Appeal to be filed against Pinot-Casino Highway
It appears that the Pinot-Casino Highway (sometimes known as the Newberg-Dundee Bypass, which broke ground last week, although construction does not start until next year) has attracted legal opposition opposing the construction–albeit from an unusual place. Phase 1 of the project (which will likely be signed as an extension of OR18) runs from an intersection…
President Obama expedites the CRC (corrected)
Note: The original version of this article identified the source as Oregonian reporter Joseph Rose; the Oregonian article was written by Charles Pope. Portland Transport regrets the error. This evening, Joseph Rose Charles Pope reported that President Obama has ordered the $3.5B Columbia River Crossing to be given “expedited” status. While not providing any additional…