Category: Parking

  • What Are We Going To Do With All That Parking?

    It’s an interesting juxtaposition. As reported on Bike Portland, the City of Portland is trying to determine how much parking we need in corridors and centers. At the same time Atlantic Cities is reporting on efforts by architects to figure out how to re-purpose unneeded parking into other uses, with the theme that we need…

  • Repeating the Sins of Other Modes

    One of my favorite ways to start the day is a brisk bike ride to breakfast (I love breakfast sandwiches and wraps – feel free to forward recommendations). One morning this week I headed out to check out the new Roman Candle Baking Co. on Division (five stars – killer granola bowl!). On my approach,…

  • The Virtues of a Parking Tax – But What Kind?

    Via Planetizen: Atlanta is considering a parking tax, with the conversation driven in part by this academic paper (PDF, 3.2M). The tax would help deal with a backlog of transportation projects, including an incomplete sidewalk network (sound familiar?) and potentially be used to match Federal dollars. The paper includes a very interesting discussion of the…

  • The Mobile/Mobility Payments Race is On

    Which will you be able to pay for with your smart phone first, TriMet tickets (via Globe Sherpa) or your downtown Portland parking?

  • Dissecting Curb Parking

    Alan Durning has an outstanding post over at Sightline looking at the policy and expectations around residential curbside parking, including this gem: Urban planners and lawyers may think of on-street parking as public property: a shared, public resource to be managed for the common good. Most home owners–and most voters–think of curb spaces as their…