Category: Streetcar

  • Streetcar Planning Open Houses Scheduled

    From the PDOT press release: Get Involved in Portland’s Streetcar Future! City launches planning for Portland’s streetcar system with three public open houses Outer East Parkrose High School Community Room 12003 NE Shaver St (at NE 122nd) 4:30 to 7:00 pm October 29 Downtown Lincoln High School Cafeteria 1600 SW Salmon St. 4:30 to 7:00…

  • Congressional Leaders Love Streetcar

    According to Willamette Week, Nancy Pelosi loves our Streetcar, and this morning’s O has Jim Oberstar waxing poetic about our transit. Can we translate this love into cash?

  • Re-examining Nextbus

    There’s been a lot of anecdotal complaints about the accuracy of the Nextbus system we use to display Streetcar arrivals. While I find it useful for the way I use the system (I walk until a Streetcar catches up to me), I set out to gather some data. So for a couple of weeks I…

  • Transportation in South Waterfront

    City Club’s New Leaders Council has arranged a tour of the emerging South Waterfront neighborhood. They’ve invited me along to talk about the Streetcar (don’t worry, they’ll also be someone from PDOT there who actually knows what’s going on). Here’s the notice from their web site: New Leaders Council tours South Waterfront What does it…

  • Streetcar in Vancouver, USA?

    One our readers, who in fact suggested the idea in a comment himself, passed along this article from the Columbian. Apparently Vancouver leaders are thinking about a Streetcar as a catalyst for their waterfront development.