Category: Streetcar

  • Stimulate the Streetcar Loop

    Stimulus Watch is a volunteer-created web site to allow citizens to rate projects that are candidates for stimulus funds. Unfortunately, anti-streetcar activists appear to be voting down the Streetcar Loop project. Please take a moment to register your support for the Loop:

  • Not My Usual Venue

    I have a guest post over on talking about the opportunities for bikes and streetcar to cooperate (rather than collide). [comment over there, not here]

  • Wither Fareless Square?

    Updated: 02/09/2009 Here’s the presentation (PDF, 1.6M) given to TriMet’s Board of Directors on the topic… Original Post: 01/28/2009 Earlier today the TriMet Board received a briefing on Fareless Square choices to coincide with the September opening of the Green Line. My understanding is that this is the beginning of a public process that TriMet…

  • Construction Update

    Earlier this week, I was invited out to Oregon Iron Works to check out progress on our first locally produced Streetcar. With a little bit of luck, you’ll see this out on the streets of Portland in March for burn-in testing. More after the jump…

  • Transit Spectrum

    There’s an interesting post on Intermodality that places the idea of ‘Rapid Streetcar’ on a spectrum from buses up through Light Rail.