Category: Modes

  • Dotting the i’s, crossing the t’s

    Portland Streetcar will hold a public hearing on December 13th to help determine if the bridge plates for the new vehicles for the Loop pass muster: Notice is hereby given that The City of Portland will hold a public hearing regarding its intent to request a finding of equivalent facilitation for the bridge plates of…

  • KBOO Bike Show: Bike Sharing

    Listen to the show (mp3, 26.7MB) Bike Sharing! Since December is the month of giving and receiving, we’re looking at what it takes have a city with Bike Sharing. Tori and Michelle are joined by Jocelyn Gaudi, a main player in NYC’s new system, Mitch Vars from Nice Ride of Minneaplois, and Ricky Rios of…

  • Cycling and Equity

    Two recent pieces worth note on issues of equity surrounding cycling: It matters where the facilities are and where they go – as areas surrounding London argue that the design of the bikeways favors the central city over local neighborhoods. The “elitist” cyclist is largely a myth Both via Planetizen.

  • Last Chance to Weigh in on Streetcar Fare Policy

    Last week, PBOT and Portland Streetcar Inc held two open houses regarding fare policy when the Streetcar Loop opens next year. Taking Streetcar out of Free Rail Zone is under serious consideration. You still have one more opportunity to add your voice via a “virtual open house” (PDF).

  • Coming Up on the KBOO Bike Show:

    This month we’re taking an in-depth look at Bike Sharing programs and how they affect American cities. Is Bike Sharing a good fit for Portland? What do you want to know about Bike Share? 11AM-Noon, Wednesday, December 7th KBOO FM 90.7 Streamed live at Podcast here later that day